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학업계획서(대학원) 양식 예제입니다.

By Kil-Dong Hong

My field of interest in Electrical Enginering is Solid State Electronics and Thin Films Engineering, which was concerned with Magnetoresistive Ferromagnetic Materials and conducting materials include Al-1%Si, Al-1%So-0.5%Cu were used in high density and high speed Integrated Circuits interconnections. I believe that the study of Solid State Electronics and Thin Film Engineering included a good knowledge of the principle in Electrical Engineering, the application of characterization and technology used in manufacturing various microelectronic and electrical device. The detailed comprehension of thin film materials, the simulation and modeling of behaviours and characteristics and the improved processing technology are the "stepping stone" towards an advancement in the design of semiconductor device and other elecrical devices such as magnetoresistive head, magnetic recording media and microwave thin film device etc. Having these thoughts in mind, my intensions are to broden my knowledge and to gain a deep understanding in Solid State Electronics and Thin Film Engineering.


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