파워포인트문서 > 기획/보고자료 프리젠테이션 자료(경영_외식사업_Starbucks_영문)
이용등급 유료회원

1. Starbucks introduction
2. Starbucks’ history
3. International Expansion
4. I.G.P. (industry globalization potential)
5. M. Porter’s 5 Forces Model
6. S.W.O.T analysis
7. Value Chain
8. Management Strategy Analysis
9. New Vision – Evaluation and New Future
10. Defend as a local competitor

프리젠테이션 자료 (경영_외식사업_Starbucks_영문) 입니다.

  • 인사총무부패키지
  • 유형별이력서모음
  • 퍼펙트엑셀자동화
  • 필수경리부패키지


[프리젠테이션 자료(경영_외식사업_Starbucks_영문)]

1. Starbucks introduction 2. Starbucks’ history 3. International Expansion 4. I.G.P. (industry globalization potential) 5. M. Porter’s 5 Forces Model 6. S.W.O.T analysis 7. Value Chain 8. Management Strategy Analysis 9. New Vision – Evaluation and New Future 10. Defend as a local competitor 프리젠테이션 자료 (경영_외식사업_Starbucks_영문) 입니다.



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