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웹마케팅 사업계획서(홍보 유통채널)
카테고리 광고/마케팅
조회수 20,285
이용등급 유료회원

영문 일대일마케팅 마케팅 타겟 웹마케팅 유통채널에 관한 사업계획서입니다.

자세한 내용은 아래의 목차를 참고하세요.


1.Porter’s Five Forces Model
2.Industry Competition
3.Suppliers’ Power
4.Customers’ Power
5.New Entrants
7.Generic Competitive Strategies
8.Transaction Costs
- Citius
- Tradezone
- Infomar
10.Internal And External business Organization
11.Traditional B-TO-B Marketing
12.Electronic industrial markets
13.Segmentation and Targeting
14.E-Commerce에서의 마케팅 믹스 전략
15.One - TO - One Marketing
16.Roadmap for Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce
17.Critical Assumption and Strategy Development
18.Quality of Market Research
19.Dynamics of Technology and Growth of Electronic Commerce
20.Towards a Global Legal Framework for the Digital Economy?
21. Strategy Development – Strategic Fit
22. Scenarios for the Future of B2B Electronic Commerce (전체요약)
-Competing and Collaborating in Value Network and Dynamic Market
-Thriving on Information
-Converging B2B and B2C Electronic Commerce
-New Technologies, New Business Models, New Policies: New Rules?

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[웹마케팅 사업계획서(홍보 유통채널)]

영문 일대일마케팅 마케팅 타겟 웹마케팅 유통채널에 관한 사업계획서입니다. 자세한 내용은 아래의 목차를 참고하세요. -목차- 1.Porter’s Five Forces Model 2.Industry Competition 3.Suppliers’ Power 4.Customers’ Power 5.New Entrants 6.Substitutes 7.Generic Competitive Strategies 8.Transaction Costs 9.Case - Citius - Tradezone - GEN - Infomar 10.Internal And External business Organization 11.Traditional B-TO-B Marketing 12.Electronic industrial markets 13.Segmentation and Targeting 14.E-Commerce에서의 마케팅 믹스 전략 15.One - TO - One Marketing 16.Roadmap for Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce 17.Critical Assumption and Strategy Development 18.Quality of Market Research 19.Dynamics of Technology and Growth of Electronic Commerce 20.Towards a Global Legal Framework for the Digital Economy? 21. Strategy Development – Strategic Fit 22. Scenarios for the Future of B2B Electronic Commerce (전체요약) -Competing and Collaborating in Value Network and Dynamic Market -Thriving on Information -Converging B2B and B2C Electronic Commerce -New Technologies, New Business Models, New Policies: New Rules? 23.Conclusion



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